BVM Induction Ceremony

Picture of the bvm sodality's banner

The Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality of Holy Rosary Shrine will hold an induction ceremony for new members at the 10 am Mass on Sunday, September 15. Any female Catholic in good standing is welcome to join our Sodality which is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church. The Sodality of Our Lady, an association approved by the Holy Father, aims at fostering in its members ardent devotion, reverence, and filial love towards the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Consecration of oneself to the Mother of God through the Sodality is a lifelong commitment. Therefore, with Mary as their model, sodalists will strive to reflect her virtues in their lives and devotions.

We hold 5 or 6 meetings per year, and some of the activities we are involved in include holding 2 raffles to benefit Holy Rosary Shrine, cooking meals for Daybreak Shelter, collecting toiletries/clothes for shelters in the area, and assisting our chaplain, Fr. Andrew, with a Day of Reflection and the Institute for Religious Life Conference. We also recite the Rosary before Mass on the second Saturday of the month.

If you are interested in joining us, please contact President Josie Paolino at 978-749-9759, Vice President at Theresa Petralia at 978-682-7131, Secretary Carol Cultrera at 978–809-7781, or Treasurer Susan Witham.

Please consider joining our active group.