Article – The Month of New Life

This week the month of May begins as the year moves along swiftly, at least from the perspective of those of us who are on the down slope of life. “Make us know the shortness of our life that we may gain wisdom of heart.” (Psalm 90:12) And May is the month of Mary, the Holy Mother of God.

Picture of our Lady between two flower pots
There is an interesting history to the dedication of May to Mary, but I would like to just reflect briefly on the way God speaks to us through creation. May falls during the liturgical season of Easter, the time of celebrating the victory of Jesus over sin and death. It is no accident that this is also the time of the return of warm weather and the blossoming of flowers, trees and all plant life. I remember one particular May when I lived in Maryland when there was a striking and sudden explosion of green. Creation shouted, “He is alive!

But God always gives life, and nourishes life, through a mother. Even the new life that Jesus earned for us on the Cross came about through Our Lady’s mediation. She cooperated and participated in a unique way in his sacrifice. That is why she is called the Co-Redemtrix. Jesus is the only one who could and did redeem us, but He allows us to share in this work and Mary first and in a unique way.

The color and beauty of May speak of life, coming forth from our sister mother earth, as St. Francis called her. God grant that the Divine Life that is Jesus, and is given to us through our Mother the Blessed Virgin Mary, may blossom and grow unto eternal life.

Let us pray the Rosary devoutly each day as she has asked us, so that it may be so.

–Fr. Peter