Article – Male and Female He Created Them

Article – Male and Female He Created Them

Given the present situation in the world and in the Church, I have recently felt called to pray, read and reflect more about why God created us male and female. Hence, I would like to share a few thoughts about the complementarity of the sexes, specifically about the superiority of the feminine in the interior and spiritual realm. I believe this is shown most clearly in the fact that in the hierarchy of being, after God Himself, above all other creatures, there is a woman.

The fundamental truths about human nature are that we are created in the image and likeness of God, and that He created us male and female. (Gen 1:27) Both sexes reflect the various attributes of God, the Holy Trinity, but in different ways. Men manifest more the procession of the Word, or the Son, who is the Truth. Women more so the second procession of the Holy Spirit, the Love of God. St. Maximilian Kolbe called Our Blessed Mother the quasi-incarnation of the Holy Spirit.

There are deep and profound theological mysteries involved in all of this. I will limit myself to saying that even St. Thomas Aquinas affirmed that it is a greater thing in this world to love God than to know Him. (Summa I 82,3) And Saint Paul exclaimed that even if he understood all mysteries and knowledge, if he had not love, he was nothing. (1Cor 13:2-3) Therefore, if femininity reflects in a clearer way Divine Love, it is higher than masculinity because “the greatest of these is love.” (1Cor 13:13)

Next time I will give a practical example of a very extraordinary woman who personifies the point I am trying to make. I am referring to Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, who heroically served Italian immigrants in this country around the same time that Holy Rosary Parish was beginning in Lawrence.

God bless you.
–Fr. Peter

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