Article – Giving Thanks

At the end of the official choir season, I try to review the things for which I should be thankful.

  • First: I am thankful for the Friars. The church is alive with activities. The Friars celebrate Mass with a beauty and solemnity consonant with what we believe as Catholics. I oftentimes watch other Masses celebrated Online and say, “we do so much better!
  • Second: I am thankful that the beauty of the church has survived intact in all of its splendor. I have been in many historic churches that were supposedly redone in the kumbaya 70s and 80s. In short, they were ruined. Our Lady protected you from this. I am thankful for all of the former pastors and organists who made sure the great pipe organ is in such excellent condition and valued. Again, I have been to churches where the pipe organ no longer works because of neglect.
  • Third: THE CHOIR… all I need to say about our choir is a quote from an old hymn, “Great is Thy faithfulness“. They are always there to give God His due on the Holy Days and every Sunday of the year!
  • Fourth: All of the traditional religious societies, the Saint Alfio, The BVM, the Saint Rita, the Holy Name with their beautiful historic banners and ceremonies. They represent a church that exemplifies community. I saw this in action when in spite of the rectory fire, we continued to offer the Mass as if nothing had happened.

This church knows it priorities and God has richly rewarded its deep devotion.

~John Donovan