From the Friars: A Solitary Place

From the Friars: A Solitary Place

In the Gospel today, Jesus says to the Apostles, “Come with me to a solitary place, so that you may rest.” These words have a marvelous significance for our spiritual life. They carry a biblical significance that reaches back to Adam, when he walked alone with God in the Garden of Eden. A solitary place means “Eden” and for many of us this may seem scary and even empty, since Adam was truly alone with God. Eve had not yet been created and Adam longed for her since he found no one else that was like him in all of creation. Nevertheless, God still wanted to be alone with Adam to reveal to him his need for faithful companionship. Jesus today calls his Apostles away from busy ministry so that they can come to experience a new form of companionship.

Painting of Jesus in the desert

Christ in the Wilderness, by Ivan Kramskoi – Public Domain, Link

In baptism God infuses into our soul the three Theological Virtues: faith, hope, and charity. These virtues allow us to know God personally and to adore the Most Holy Trinity no matter where we are in the world! We often forget that we are never alone, that is, as long as we are living in the state of grace. Even during the most difficult moments of our lives God never abandons us. Jesus, as He spoke to His Apostles before giving His life of the Cross prophesied: “Behold, the hour is coming, and has already come, for you to be scattered, each to his own home, and to leave Me alone; and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me” (Jn. 16:32). Through these words we see not only the redemption of “Eden” but the elevation of man to a new form of intimacy with God.

The path to true happiness is to find that “Solitary Place”. Perhaps for you that is in quiet of your home. Or maybe you find Him in Eucharistic Adoration, or taking a walk outside or going hiking. I will never forget my own father who told me as he was struggling with loneness, “My biggest fear in life is that I might be surrounded by loved ones and still feel that loneliness on the inside.” With Christ we are never alone!

This week, go to your solitary place and be alone with God. There you will find yourself and others united in Christ.

–Fr. Francis.

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