From the Friars: Leaping for Joy
This Friday is the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and also the opening night of the Congreso Pro Vida. We welcome to our Shrine all who will be attending this important event. The Congreso Logo shows Our Blessed Mother and Saint Elizabeth, both with child, as they greet one another. This was the moment of Mary’s Magnificat, her great hymn of praise and gratitude, when she cried: “my Spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” (Lk 1: 47)
It was also when Saint John the Baptist leapt for joy in his mother’s womb. Only six months after his conception the great prophet was, by God’s grace, able to sense the presence of the Incarnate Son of God and His Holy Mother. Years later Saint John would call himself the friend of the Bridegroom, and that his joy was now full because the Bridegroom had come.
These two examples should cause us to ask ourselves, where do I find my joy? Is it in the presence of Jesus, in His love for me? Or do I seek my happiness in the things of this world? The great tragedy of legal abortion, suicide and euthanasia are rooted in this seeking of our happiness in something or someone apart from God.
Young women often fear they will lose their opportunity for higher education and a career if they have a child. At the end of life, or at other difficult times, people fear suffering and often see a quick and painless death as an attractive option. These fears are very understandable but they do not take into account the whole truth of human life.
True and lasting happiness can only be found ultimately in our relationship with our Creator. We were created for union with Him. Human suffering and death are very real but the cross of Our Lord has transformed them into weapons of love. As we gather to proclaim and defend the dignity of each human person at all stages of life, let us imitate the example of St. John and Our Blessed Mother. May our hearts leap for joy in our union with the Holy Trinity through the Bridegroom of our soul.
God bless you.
-Fr. Peter