From the Friars: The Marvel of Motherhood

Dear Shrine Community, Happy Mother’s Day! During the entire month of May we venerate Our Blessed Mother and the essential role She plays in bringing us Yeshua—the Aramaic version of the name for Joshua in Hebrew; the roots from which comes the Holy Name of ‘Jesus’, which means “God saves!”. The middle name of Jesus is not known, most likely because Mary never had to use that name since Jesus never misbehaved! God bless all of you Mothers this day for your vocation, and for those of you who suffer from a lot quite different than that of Our Lady’s in this regard.

The Virgin Mary in Prayer

The Virgin in Prayer, by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato – Public Domain, Link

I challenge all of us to pray the Rosary every day for our children and our society. I cannot think of a culture that does not celebrate Mother’s Day. Our very nature cries out for it. The beauty and mystery of Motherhood is the source of marvel and contemplation this day, which, in other countries like Guatemala and Mexico is celebrated on May 10th. Mothers not only bring to us the proper tenderness that perfectly tempers and complements the masculine gene, but within their very being they nurture for nine whole months the next generation of believers that will be responsible for carrying out God’s work in world.

At the root of it all, perhaps what God wishes to communicate to us through the Marvel of Motherhood is the simple fact that He trusts women more than men! What honest man would dispute with that? The greatest natural power that God has given to human beings is the power to co-create with Him and bring into existence a new and immortal soul! We call this procreation! And in God’s Wisdom He wills that this unique and unrepeatable life have a worthy dwelling place, which makes woman the pinnacle of creation.

Thank you, Mothers, for ‘bearing’-with-us men throughout the ages! And for revealing to us that the Marvel of Motherhood consists in this: That salvation comes to us through you!

–Fr. Francis, FPO