Article – Grumpy G

Article – Grumpy G

The brothers and priests in my community will tell you that I can be difficult to live with. I tend to get irritable and impatient, especially if I am tired or hungry. A nearby restaurant, that we walk by almost every day, is called “Grumpy G.” Since my last name begins with G, I often think to myself: ”Grumpy G, that’s me!

As we continue to celebrate the Easter Season, we are reminded of the source of our hope and joy. Jesus has risen from the dead and we are on the road to Heaven. The world needs to see our joy, peace and patience that are rooted in the Resurrection and our union with Our Lord.

Grumpy Catholics do not make good evangelizers. And we are all called to spread the Good News, first and foremost by our example.

May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Cause of Our Joy, pray for the conversion of grumpy Christians, so that the smile of God’s Love may be seen in us. Amen

–Fr. Peter

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