Article – Blessed Bartolo Longo

Portrait of Bl. Bartolo Longo

Bl. Bartolo Longo, by unknown author – en.wikipedia, Public Domain, Link

The name and interior design of Holy Rosary Shrine was inspired largely by the Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii in Italy. That beautiful basilica was built mainly through the efforts of Bl. Bartolo Longo (1841-1926), who had experienced a dramatic conversion. Although raised Catholic, in his adolescence and college years Bartolo fell away from the Church and was caught up in the errors of his time. He became extremely anti-Catholic and eventually became a satanic priest. But he was miserable and full of anxiety, depression and paranoia. Through the help of family and friends he came back to the Church but still was tempted to despair. Finally, in a moment of grace, he heard the words of Our Blessed Mother: “one who propagates my Rosary shall be saved.” After this he found peace in dedicating his life to this mission.

Besides the magnificent shrine church, Bartolo founded schools, orphanages and other institutions to help the poor and needy. He miraculously transformed the city of Pompeii into a major center of prayer, charitable works, pilgrimage and evangelization. He wrote spiritual books and prayers and became a third order Dominican, taking the name of Br. Rosario. His writings strongly influenced St. John Paul II and specifically the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary that he introduced in 2002. The great Pope called Bl. Bartolo “the Apostle of the Rosary.

Next weekend there will be a large satanic conference in Boston. Holy Rosary Shrine will join the other shrines and several parishes of the Archdiocese in dedicating ourselves to extra prayer and sacrifices in response to this sad event. Let us especially invoke the intercession of Bl. Bartolo for the conversion of those who have been deceived by the father of lies.

We pray especially for those young people who have been hurt or scandalized by Catholic priests or others in the Church, that they be given the grace to see the full truth about Jesus and turn to Him for help.

Bl. Bartolo, pray for us!

— Fr. Peter