From the Friars: Happy New Year and Happy Anniversary!
Today is the First Sunday of Advent. On this day, we begin a new Liturgical Year in the Catholic Church. So, in some sense, we can say, “Happy New Year!” The designation of this year is A-1. This designation is based on the cycle of Mass readings. There is a Sunday cycle of readings divided into three years and a Weekday cycle of readings divided into two years. The Sunday cycle of readings are designated by the letters A, B, or C—today begins Year A. The Weekday cycle of readings are designated by the numbers 1 or 2. This week we enter into cycle 1. Thus, the new liturgical year is named “A-1”. Truly one can say that 2023 will be an “A-1” Year!
Happy Anniversary! This week on December 1st Holy Rosary Shrine celebrates its First Year Anniversary. Can you believe it? It has already been a year! A year ago, we accepted Cardinal Sean O’Malley’s invitation to take on a new mission and run Holy Rosary Shrine. By doing so, we agreed to provide for the spiritual needs of all who pass through these holy doors. So how are we doing? I want to say “Thank you” to all of you for welcoming us as members of your Shrine Family.
Since arriving we have strengthened ties with the various faith communities here at the Shrine. We have been pleased to provide the prayer support for the Legion of Mary, the women of St. Rita, and the Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality. Our association and newfound friendship with the great men of the St. Alfio’s Society has been nothing short of edifying and mutually enriching for all of us.
We have welcomed new Spanish prayer groups like the men and women of Emmaus as well as Bible studies in Spanish and initiated several new groups like our teen group, young adult group, homeschooling group, and recently began an adult RCIA. We have fostered liturgical renewal with our newly enhanced beautiful choir music, allowed for kneeling at the reception of Holy Communion, and this week have re-instated the direction of “ad orientum” into our worship.
Look for more blessings in 2023 as we continue regular evening talks on prayer and spiritual growth, days of recollection, and weekend retreats. Pray that the brothers get settled into a permanent residence at or near the Shrine and, of course, pray for the success of the 100th Anniversary celebration of the Three Saints next Labor Day Weekend!
Together, we can make 2023 an “A-1” Year!
Happy New Year and Happy Anniversary!
Fr. Andrew