Prayers Needed

Picture of Our Lady and our Lord in the back

Thanks be to God for the recent Supreme Court decision that over turned the unjust and immoral Roe vs. Wade decision of 1973 that claimed a so-called right to abortion. No one has the right to take the life of an innocent defenseless human being. And that is what abortion is. The reaction to this decision by radical pro-abortion groups has been extreme and violent. There have been many cases of vandalism and arson at churches and crisis pregnancy centers. These centers encourage women to have their baby and provide whatever assistance they may need, free of charge. The Supreme Court justices themselves have been harassed, and there was even an attempt to murder one of them. Other pro-life leaders are also being attacked in various ways.

It is sad to see the breakdown of civil society in our country. Legalized abortion and many other harmful things that are presently promoted are all symptoms of a turning away from God and His law that is written in our hearts. Like Adam and Eve, rather than trust in our Creator and follow His guidance, many wish to decide for themselves what is right and wrong, based on personal preference and convenience. God gave us freedom, and if we insist on abusing it, He allows us to experience the consequences. It is the same old story that has been repeated in various ways throughout history.

Our Lady appeared at Fatima and warned us of evils that would come if we did not heed her message, the same message that her Son gave us two thousand years ago. She called us to pray and do penance for the conversion of poor sinners, in reparation for so many offenses against God, and simply to express our love for Him. Let us who are so blessed to worship God at Holy Rosary Shrine renew our commitment to pray, especially the holy rosary, and do penance for these most important intentions. And let us do all that we can to help mothers in difficult circumstance so that they, and their children, can live in dignity and peace.

God bless you.

Fr. Peter