From the Friars: Seeing Jesus

From the Friars: Seeing Jesus

In today’s Gospel, we read about the apostle Thomas’ encounter with the risen Lord the Sunday after the resurrection, also known as Divine Mercy Sunday. Thomas was not present when Jesus first appeared, and he doubted the testimony of the other apostles. So, when he appeared a second time Our Lord went directly to him, asked him to place his hands in his wounds, and he believed.

Divine Mercy

Divine Mercy, by Eugeniusz Kazimirowski (1873-1939) – Source, Public Domain, Link

I wonder how many of us can relate to Thomas’ reaction to the mystery of the resurrection. Sometimes we struggle with the truths of our faith, despite being taught by trustworthy people (like the other 10 apostles!). For example, we are taught that the risen Lord is truly present among us in the Eucharist. What an amazing reality, that Christ is present to us every Sunday just as he was present to the apostles that first Sunday of the Resurrection! But, many Catholics struggle to believe it, myself included.

Before becoming a friar, I took for granted what was taught about the real presence, and even doubted it at times when challenged by protestant friends. But, like Thomas, the Lord would not leave me in a state of unbelief. When I first moved to Massachusetts, the Lord “appeared” to me. I was in grad school at the time, and found myself volunteering at the local parish on Saturday mornings. After volunteering, I’d spend an hour praying in the church, since I was already there.

Over the course of the year those hours became more and more powerful, I began to experience a sense of intimacy with God like never before. For reasons I can’t totally explain, it just became clear that Jesus was present in the tabernacle, speaking to me, and ultimately asking me to become a Franciscan.

Maybe some of you also have struggles with coming to know Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. May I warmly encourage participating in times of adoration available here at the Shrine, it might just change your life!

–Br. Jimmy