Mass Schedule Update

The Lord is risen! He has truly risen!

Happy Easter to all. I would like to give everyone an update on our plans to revise the Sunday Mass schedule. It seemed likely that the new times would be 8am,10am, and 12pm.

Recently the idea of having only two Masses has been re-considered more seriously. The times would be either 10am/12pm or 930am/1130am, the earlier in English and the later in Spanish.

Two Masses has many advantages and would be very helpful for us Franciscans to maintain our community prayer and fraternal life. The earlier Mass would be attended by all or most of the friars and some of us would participate in the choir.

Hopefully, the change would help to make two especially beautiful and well-attended Holy Masses. If you would like to give any input, please speak with one of the friars or leave a message at the office or via phone or email.

The plan is to make a decision soon and implement it on June 5th, 2022, Pentecost Sunday. Thank you and God Bless you.

Fr. Peter



Image of a pocket watch

Omega pocket watch, by Alexander T Carroll – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link