Mass Intentions – March 5th to March 13th, 2022

Saturday, March 5

Holy Rosary Shrine Logo4:00pm St. Rita Sodality, For deceased members of the Ardito family, Michael Giuffrida, Carol Farrington, Arthur & Louise Joaquin, In thanksgiving to Holy Trinity, Angela Blatti, For special intention to St. Lucy, The DiZazzo deceased family

Sunday, March 6

First Sunday of Lent

9:00am For all the Holy Rosary Shrine family
10:30am In honor of St. Casimir, For peace in Ukraine, Edith (Entwistle) Brosco (12th Anniv.)
12:00pm Spanish Mass – Priest’s intentions

Monday, March 7

Saints Perpetua and Felicity

12:05pm Rev. Erbio Caraballo, O.S.A.

Tuesday, March 8

Saint John of God

12:05pm Alfred C. J. Petralia & Frank M. Petralia

Wednesday, March 9

St. Frances of Rome

12:05pm For peace in Ukraine

Thursday, March 10

NO 12:05 MASS
6:00pm VIA CRUCIS-Spanish
7:00pm Spanish Mass- All Welcome

Friday, March 11

12:05pm Priest’s intentions
7:00pm Stations of the Cross

Saturday, March 12

4:00pm Holy Name Society, Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality, Manuel J. Quintal, In thanksgiving to The Holy Trinity, Grace & Charles Torrisi & family, Steve Balsamo (Birthday), In thanksgiving to St. Anthony (F.F.R.), In thanksgiving to Our Lady of Fatima (F.F.R.), Bill Giarrusso (Birthday)

Sunday, March 13

Second Sunday of Lent

Daylight Saving Time Begins
9:00am Linda A. Buonanno (2nd Anniv.)
10:30am For all the Holy Rosary Shrine family, Tadeusz Chylinski (Birthday rem.)
12:00pm Spanish Mass – Priest’s intentions

Sanctuary Lamps

Upper Church – Alfred C. J. Petralia & Frank M. Petralia

Bread and Wine

The altar bread and wine for our Masses has been donated in loving memory of Alfred C. J. Petralia & Frank M. Petralia.